Droit des affaires, corporatif et des sociétés
Ci-dessous, un bref résumé des thèmes pour lesquels nous pouvons vous assister :
- Rédaction de Contrats nationaux et internationaux
- Négociation et gestion d’affaires
- Fusions et Acquisitions
- Arbitrages indépendants (ad hoc) et institutionnels
- Modèles de contrats ou Contrats-type de toute sorte
- Constitution de Sociétés Civiles et Commerciales Nationales et Etrangères
- Restructuration, fusion et conversion d’Institutions Financières
- Rédaction de contrats d’achat-vente de tout type de biens meubles
- Cession ou transmission de droits
- Faillites
- Conseils en opérations off-shore
- Administration de patrimoines privés
- Contrats clé en main
Company law: there is a complete service directed to the identification of your punctual or corporate needs. We intervene in the organization and reorganization of companies in Venezuela, writing all the necessary documents. We establish and direct your business, by means of the constitution of local companies, or investigate or domicile branches of foreign companies in this country. The foreign companies are subject to the same conditions that the domestic enterprises.
It we do it by means of the study, preparation and draft of the Constitutive - statutory Document, which reflects the initial intention of the mercantile business. Likewise, we elaborate Minutes of Shareholders' General Ordinary or Extraordinary Assemblies and / or Together Guidelines, which affect the events that happen during the existence of a company, such as, modifications in the Bylaws, the increase of the capital, revenue of new associates, capitalization of obligations, merchanting of actions, personal property and real estate, for just mentioning some.
Si vous souhaitez demander un conseil ou de renseignements, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Vous trouverez nos coordonnées sur la page Contactez-nous